HMI / Operator Interface Devices Repair

                HMI / Operator Interface Devices Repair, Exchange, and Remanufacturing

With vast experience at industrial electronic repair, Schneider Electric Industrial Repair Services has the skill and the knowledge to repair HMI (Human Machine Interface), also commonly called Operator Interface Device, or just Operator Interface. These complex products are integral to giving the industrial user the ability to monitor the status of their industrial processes and to control those processes. Requiring great technical expertise to properly diagnose and repair, HMI/Operator Interfaces have been a focus for our engineering department for years and we have ample experience with these types of product.

Our repair service of HMI/Operator Interfaces includes touchscreens, message displays, industrial monitors, and industrial workstations. Through dynamic testing and visual inspection, if a specific subassembly or component part is identified as defective, we replace the defective component part as well as component parts identified as unreliable due to age or indications of high rates of failure from our extensive repair historical database.  

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  HMI/Operator Interfaces are thoroughly tested to verify display/touchscreen functionality including linearity, logic unit functionality (we save customer programs/settings when programs are intact), verifying the hard drive, and the power supply module (after replacing age-degraded components that could impact reliability down the road) to assure properly conditioned power is available to the other HMI modules.

Our dependable HMI/Operator Interface repair service will restore your equipment to optimal performance levels. We have the latest test equipment to diagnose problems and defective components. Once the problem is found, we replace the defective parts. We also replace any parts that we determine may fail or may be defective due to deterioration from age or other circumstances, ensuring that the repair item is refurbished to its most optimal state.

  And, with a 1-year guarantee on the complete item we repaired, not just the parts we replaced, you can be certain of our repair quality. Please contact us to take advantage of the benefits of refurbishing over replacing industrial electronic components.
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