
SKU : M-CVM-AB-Datalogger


615.00 USD

740.00 USD

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Total 615.00 USD

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Expansion modules


CODE : M56E06

Analogs Output : Non Analogs Input : Non

Communications : Ethernet Protocol : Webserver, Jawa, XML, Memory : 200M.

M-CVM-AB-Datalogger Data Sheet : Download

Description :

Expansion module which enables logging of historical data, accessible through the JAVA™

compatible web browser (PowerStudio environment).

Applications :

Storage of data in own unit.

  1. Integration in SCADA through XML requests (service integrated in module)
  2. Programming and storage of calculations (web query)
  3. Configuration of unit through PowerStudio editor (free)
  4. Alarm and events setup from PC with PowerStudio editor
  5. Sending of e-mails from unit.

More Detail Link : Click

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