SKU : M91111


1,795.00 USD

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Energy management, control and supervision software

Integration of CIRCUTOR units with other

market software

CODE : M91111

M91111 Data Sheet : Download

Brochuer : Download

M91111 Setup Manual Part 1 - 4 : Download

M91111 Manual : Download

Much of the time, the data collected by the Power Studio / Scada / Deluxe software is designed to integrate in a global management SCADA where, as well as integrating electrical parameters, other magnitudes necessary to control a building, industry or intervention are involved. Therefore, since the most generic SCADAs in the market use OPC communications, an OPC Server has been designed with the purpose of integrating the data in external control systems.

Applications :

Much of the time, the data collected by the

Power Studio / Scada / Deluxe software

is designed to integrate in a global management

SCADA where, as well as integrating

electrical parameters, other magnitudes

necessary to control a building, industry or

intervention are involved. Therefore, since

the most generic SCADAs in the market

use OPC communications, an OPC Server

has been designed with the purpose of integrating

the data in external control systems.

The operating system takes into account

the implementation of Power Studio / Scada

/ Deluxe, with the purpose of including

the data in the system. With this reading,

OPC Server (which can be installed on the

same unit or any other unit with IP accessibility)

acquires the data and serves it in the

OPC format to an external application. The

OPC implemented is of the DA type, therefore

the data that can be served is real-time


Possible network topologies can be very

diverse, thanks to the versatility of the connections

of Power Studio Scada.

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