
SKU : SS-H200GTi-F


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Marine Condensing Coils

Trombone / Type : Catalogs : Download

Models : SS-H200GTi-F / for R410A / Capacity Ton : / ( Type : Round &Trombone ) Water flow : 5GPM./1.14 m3/h / Condenser :25000Btu/h 7.3kW.

HZSS Marine condensing coils are made of titanium with enhanced groove line technolgy to achieve high efficient and high corrosion resisantce.

Product Feature

1.Water in the inner coil and gas in between the

inner and outter coil to enhance turbulence intensity

and heat transfer coefficient.

2.Spirally corrugated tubes increase heat transfer

area to creat higher efficiency.

3.Reliable with higher pressure stand and less

welding points.

4.Anti-frezzing and self cleaning.

5.Titanium inner tube with high corrosion resistance.

6.Enhanced groove line inner tube surface

increase heat transfer efficient by 30%.

Note:SS-HXXXGTi, H=Enhanced, G=Carbon Steel, Ti=Titanium

Test condition:As Condenser, water inlet temp 29.4℃, water outlet temp 35℃, condensing Temp 40℃.

As Condenser, water inlet temp 85°F, water outlet temp 95°F, condensing Temp 104°F.

MOQ. 1Ea.

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