
SKU : SS-0200GTT-U


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Trombone / Type for Other type of coils : Catalogs : Download

Models : SS-0200GTT-U / for R410 / Capacity : 2Ton Function : / Regenerator flow : 5.30GPM./ 1.2m3/h / Heat Transfer Capacity : 23900Btu/h 7kW.

HZSS’s other type of coils are strong safety, if leakage occurs in the inner layer of the inner tube, water will flow out of the inner

tube and play an early warning role. If leakage occurs in the inner layer, the refrigerant leaks from the interlayer and will not enter

the water.

Product Feature

1.Water flow in the inner tube and refrigerant flow in

gap between the inner and outter coil, to enhance

turbulence intensity and heat transfer coefficient.

2.Spirally corrugated inner tube increase heat


surface to creat higher efficiency.

3.Reliable with higher pressure stand and less

welding points.

4.Anti-freezing and self-cleaning.

5.Double wall inner tube more relibalilty and safety.

Test condition : Cooler: water inlet temp 45℃, water outlet temp 51℃, ammonia inlet temp 85℃, ammonia

outlet temp 46℃.

Condenser: water inlet temp 51℃, water outlet temp 55℃, condensing temp 60℃.

Test condition: Cooler: water inlet temp 113℉, water outlet temp 123.8℉, ammonia inlet temp 185℉, ammonia

outlet temp 114.8℉.

Condenser: water inlet temp 123.8℉, water outlet temp 131℉, condensing temp 140℉.

MOQ. 1Ea.

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