
SKU : CLZ-FP-23/12.5


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CLZ-FP Series Low voltage capacitors and reactors


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Quick Detail :

230V / Three phase (50 Hz)220V (11.4kVar) 230 V (12.5kVar ) / 240 V (13.6kVar) Dimensions : 116 x 245 mm / Weight (kg) : 3.3 kg.


The CLZ tubular capacitor range is composed of capacitors with a tubular casing, of the dry-type, covering a wide range of power and voltage ratings, at 50 and 60 Hz. The design, manufacturing and testing processes of CLZ tubular capacitors guarantee top quality and long-lasting capacitors. New refrigeration technology. CLZ capacitors up to 25 kvar offer new refrigeration technology that uses nitrogen gas, offering a highly efficient, harmless, fireproof refrigeration system.

Application :

ts application is based on compensation in installations with static and variable loads (capacitor banks).

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