
SKU : CLZ-FP-52/8-HD


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CLZ-FP-HD Series Low voltage capacitors and reactors

CODE : R2H579

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Quick Detail :

525V / Three phase (50 Hz) 500 V ( 7.25 kVar ) / 525 V ( 8 kVar) Dimensions : 85 x 175 mm / Weight (kg) : 1.1kg.

Description :

CLZ-HD (Heavy duty) capacitor range is composed of capacitors with a tubular casing, of the dry-type, covering a wide range of power and voltage ratings, at 50 and 60 Hz. The CLZ-HD capacitors are designed to be installed in installations with extreme working conditions. The design, manufacturing and testing processes guarantee the production of top quality and long lasting capacitors. Those CLZ-HD capacitors offer a new refrigeration technology by means of nitrogen gas*, being a refrigerating system of high benefits, inert and non flammable.

Applicatiion :

Its application is based on compensation in installations with static or variable loads (capacitor banks). Especially designed to be installed in roughly environments with the most extreme conditions due to its longer life and high temperature resistance. D

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