Computer Max-f 12

SKU : Computer Max-f 12


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Power Factor regulators for static capacitor bank  ( Size. 144 * 144* 63 mm.) 12Step.

CODE : R10862 Data Sheet : Download Install Guide : Download Programming Guide : Download

Computer MAX f Series  

The computer MAX-f series of regulators is within the fast regulator range, with a response time of 40 ms, adapted to real time compensation requirements. Main Features: 

  • Shows by display: cos φ, voltage, current, THD(I) and, besides, records in memory maximum values for voltage and current. 
  • Provides the “phase selection” function, that allows the user choosing the power line phase where the measuring current transformer (C.T.) has been placed in allows viewing in display the variation of cos φ, line current and THD(I), when manually connecting or disconnecting capacitor steps. 
  • Indication by display or through relay output of following alarm conditions: Compensation failure, Over-compensation, Over-voltage, Over-current, C.T. not connected or open, Line current below measurable value. 


The computer MAX-f system has been designed to compensate installations that have a special load typology and require real time compensation, such as welding units, cranes, lifts and lifting equipment, smelters, hospitals, automotive industry or any other sector/unit that requires a real time compensation. Some of the advantages of this compensation system are as follows: 

  • Elimination of transients produced by the capacitor's connection. 
  • The lack of transients in the connection allows us to eliminate gaps, flicker and any other alteration generated by the connection's transient 
  • Limited switching operations, guaranteeing a longer working life for the unit 
  • Immediate response to the compensation request 
  • Lower wear of capacitors and switching elements, due to the elimination of transients and the total absence of mobile mechanical parts 
  • Eliminates or reduces the effects of voltage drops caused by reactive consumption peaks. 

 Marketing Promotion :

        Export Markets : 

   North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, Oceania, Mid East, Eastern Asia, Western Europe

     1.ซื้อ  2  ชิ้น. Call / USD. / ชิ้น  MOQ. 1Ea 

     2.ซื้อ  5  ชิ้น. Call / USD. / ชิ้น 

     3.ซื้อ 10 ชิ้น. Call / USD. / ชิ้น

        สินค้ารับประกัน 3 ปี

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        ลูกค้าทั่วไป : ยินดีรับบัตร VISA เงินสด, บัตรเครดิต, ตอนรับสินค้า 

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